Queering Trauma-Informed Practice: 1/2 Day Training*
Suitable for: Practitioners, Counsellors, Family Violence Workers, Homelessness & Housing Support Workers, Alcohol & Other Drugs Workers, Mental Health Workers, Peer Workers, Students.
*There are prerequisites for this training. Please see below.
This half-day training is a skills and knowledge extension session to strengthen generalist trauma-informed practice for Practitioners, Professionals and Human Service Workers who are supporting LGBTQIA+ people through organisations, individual counselling or as volunteers.
Why is queering TIP necessary?
Many LGBTQIA+ people experience additional structural barriers to receiving affirming culturally safe and trauma-informed responses when seeking support.
Generalist approaches to TIP (Trauma-Informed Practice), do not cover the unique and specific intersections that may have caused, contributed to, or continue to traumatise LGBTQIA+ people. Treating ‘everyone the same’, does not ensure a safe, Trauma-Informed Practice, despite best intentions.
By raising awareness of what some of these aspects might be, workers are able to better integrate an effective culturally safe Trauma-Informed Practice that supports agency, safety building and resourcing for LGBTQIA+ people.
The training covers:
the impact of minority stress as a lived experience
the role of underlying dominant paradigms and systems around gender, sexuality and identity that perpetuate traumatisation
exploring interlocking impacts of trauma caused by the pathologising, demonising and criminalising of LGBTQIA+ people
It unpacks foundational approaches participants can embed in their practice to counter these impacts and provide opportunities for LGBTQIA+ to access safety relevant to their needs.
Prerequisites for this training:
All participants are required to have previously completed:
LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Training (foundational understanding of gender identity and expression, sexuality, and inclusive safer practices for working with LGBTQIA+ people)
Generalist Trauma-Informed Practice Training (neurobiology of trauma, building safety with a client, strategies for neuro-regulation)
*See Belinda’s Queering Trauma Informed Practice: 1 day - for foundational TIP through a queer lens.